I have created everything on this website in one form or another. Weather, I have persoanlly created the content, copied the content for a client to digital, or videoed , photographed the content on here. This is all me  in one form or another. And that goes also for the website design here as well. 
From a full coded website HTML to a platform website, like squarespace. I work worth you to come up with a design , content that you can be proud of. 
Let me work with you to develop a website you can be proud of. If you dont understand the back end office of the site. I can also work with you  to explain what is involved there. What information can be gathered from the back end of the website. What you can do to maximise the information gathered on the website to develop your busienss further. 
Please get in touch today to garner the most out of your website 

I know website design can be frustrating. Sometimes even after all these years of being involved with technology . Computers can still drive me insane. I can work with you to build the website of your choice. and take the stress out of the situation. I will create a mock up design of what I can create . And once you have approved the design . Can get the  project underway. Please contact to discuss your requirements
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